Contact Us
- Phone:
(309) 713-1700 - Email:
- Address:
401 Cimmeron Dr.
East Peoria, IL 61611
Service Times
- Sunday: 9:00am & 11:00am
Our Men's Ministry is a great supplement to the Small Group and Sunday Worship experience at Summit Point. Through these events, we seek to raise up men of God with a three-fold focus:
We meet just often enough to sharpen, but not so much that it becomes a burden to the schedule. We will have two men's worship nights (Arsenals) per ministry year, and two study groups per ministry year (one in fall and one in spring). This allows
Come join us as we take up our place on the wall and work
MEN'S ARSENAL // SET APART - We are rallying all the guys in the church for a power night of worship and the Word! Join us Tuesday, March 11th from 6:30pm to 8:00pm as we learn from 1 Peter 2 how we are "Set Apart: Defined by Christ, Driven by Purpose." Come and be encouraged in your walk with Christ, fellowship with other men in the church, and enjoy some snacks and desserts together. The event is free. Register here!
You can listen and download resources from past studies below: