Other sermons in the series
God loves us so much that He wants us to abide in Him and in His love…...
God loves us with a love so strong that He is able to cast fear out and...
In 1 Corinthians 11:1, Paul told us to be imitators of him as we are of...
Love is not a feeling, it’s an action… a choice. It’s not a choice to...
Loving from a genuine heart starts at the source… Jesus. Our job is not...
As we look at a case study, the woman at the well in John 4, we see the...
If we truly believe God’s Word, how will that affect the way we live?...
Forgiveness can be really hard. So much emotion and hurt fuels...
As long as we are here on earth, we will be struggling with the battle...
The promises of God are experienced richer and deeper the closer to God...
God calls us to abide in Him… to be in a deep, secure, intimate...
Jesus says, “Come to Me… and I will give you rest.” What does it mean...
Jesus said, "I will build My church and the gates of hell will not...
God promised to give those who confess Jesus as Lord a greater gift...
God has made us individuals who fit into a greater picture, the body of...
Life on this earth is a war…with battle after battle. It’s hard. But we...
God is a cheerful giver and so He helps us to become cheerful givers…to...
If you knew that whatever you’re facing today would end with something...
Jesus told us to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Him. The...
Those who truly follow Christ will worship by the Spirit, Glory in...
Jesus never called us to do anything that He did not first model to us...
Look at the life of the Apostle Paul. He was so unashamed of the gospel...
How important is our faith? And how do we grow it? Our faith is so...
We have the wonderful hope of knowing that Jesus Christ has made us His...
Jesus went out of His way to meet with the Samaritan woman at the well...
We are called to stop doing one thing and pursue something else. Not...
Above everything God wants for us, He wants us to love. When we look at...
Why is it so hard to pray? Why does prayer matter? God wants a...
The Apostle Paul was such an amazing example of living with a view to...
Today we’ll look at Moses, being in the presence of God, and how it...
We have an amazing feast always before us… the Word of God. God has...
With all the craziness that comes in the Christmas season and all of...
We are called to surrender to God, humble ourselves before Him, live in...
Our hearts are like a complex garden with multiple fields… but only one...
"O Lord, You have searched me and known me.” How we respond to that...
What does it mean to be IN CHRIST, IN HIM, and not live IN ME? It means...
Our hearts are like a sea with constant storms popping up inside of us...
As believers, the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives is so important...
God has saved us for more than freedom from sin. He’s saved us for a...
From the time of the Garden of Eden, man has had a constant draw to...
What is the difference between a test and a temptation? Is God trying...
Who has a better plan for your life? You or God? The Lord wants to...